Back from #DaytonaOrBust, Now Time to Write

Just got back from Daytona’s infamous Bike Week, a late winter celebration of two wheels in one of the warmer places in the country. For this trip I had the BMW C650GT scooter, along with a heated jacket and one piece suit from Aerostich. I also had my ever-reliable Boblbee Meg Aero backpack to carry my precious Pentax camera gear. It was a long trip–over 1,000 miles each way–and it started (and ended) in freezing temperatures. But it was worth it, if only for a couple of days of 60F and 70F degree riding and to experience some of the madness that is Bike Week. Now that the fun is over the hard part begins–processing all of the photos and writing for BMW Owner News, the official mag of BMW Motorcycle Owners of America, the largest BMW club in the USA. It’s all good though–I’m lucky to have landed such a fun gig.